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Belle Clair Soccer League



When does the season start and how many games are played?

The season starts in late August and typically runs through October. Teams are usually scheduled for 10 games. The Pre-K Program is scheduled for  6 sessions.

On what days do they play?

Games are typically scheduled for Saturdays and Sundays, and maybe some weekdays under the lights. The Pre-K Program sessions are Saturday’s only.

Are the teams co-ed?

The Pre-K Program and Kindergarten teams are the only co-ed teams. 1st -8th grade teams are not coed. Once teams become boys only or girls only they generally stay together. In many cases, the same team will play together from their first year, to their last year of Belle Clair soccer.

What is the minimum and maximum number of players allowed on a team?

Roster sizes vary, depending on the age group and game format.  As teams progress from one format, like  6 v 6, the roster size will increase to accommodate the next format,

8 v 8, to the extent practical. A team is considered formed if 50% of the roster has been filled, plus 2 subs and as formed, is eligible for play. For example, 5th and 6th grade divisions are allowed 14 players.  A team will be considered formed with 7-9 players. BCSL makes every attempt to fill a roster from available registrations. Coaches may also recruit players to fill a low roster.

At what age can my child start playing?

Players may begin playing in our Pre-School Program as long as they are at least 3 year's old or our Pre-Kindergarten Program as long as they are at least 4 years of age, or 5 years of age but not yet eligible for Kindergarten in the fall season for which you are registering.

What age/grade levels play in what divisions?

Belle Clair Soccer League divisions are set by grade.

  • Pre- Kindergarten and Kindergarten are co-ed
  • Grades 1st thru 8th have a Boys League and a Girls League
  • Each grade is a division, with the exception of 7th and 8th Grade, which are combined.


The divisions are:

  • K - Kindergarten Co-ed
  • 1B - 1st Grade Boys...1G - 1st Grade Girls
  • 2B - 2nd Grade Boys...2G - 2nd Grade Girls
  • 3B - 3rd Grade Boys...3G - 3rd Grade Girls
  • 4B - 4th Grade Boys...4G - 4th Grade Girls
  • 5B - 5th Grade Boys...5G - 5th Grade Girls
  • 6B - 6th Grade Boys...6G - 6th Grade Girls


Can siblings be on the same team?

Yes, if their DOB fall within the same division

Can my child and his/her friends be on the same team?

Newly formed teams can generally be accommodated with requests for friends to be on the same team. In this situation, it is possible but not guaranteed.

Requests for friends is more difficult for established teams, as returning players are given 1st priority to remain on their team, as long as they have registered by May 31st.

Can the player choose what team to play on?

No.  Players are limited by grade/age to specific divisions, they may not elect to move out of the division.  If a parent is a Coach on a team, within their division, they will be on that team.  

What are "Divisions"?

Divisions are a way to group grade, gender and skill appropriate players.  This provides for fair competition and is determined by Belle Clair Soccer League.

Do boys and girls play on the same team?

Yes for Pre-School, Pre-K and Kindergarten leagues. Belle Clair teams in grades 1st thru 8th do not. However, occasionally a team from outside Belle Clair may be coed.  These teams play in our Boys divisions.

Do boy and girl teams play against each other?

No with the exception of Pre-School, Pre-K and Kindergarten Leagues.  Belle Clair teams in grades 1st thru 8th do not. However, occasionally a team from outside Belle Clair may be coed.  These teams play in our Boys divisions

Who sets the practice schedules?

The coaching staff for each team determines their own practice schedule independently of the League. 

When do practices begin? And where do teams practice?

A team’s coaching staff develops the practice schedule.  Team players will be notified by the coaching staff.  Practices usually begin sometime in late July.

Do teams practice throughout the season?

Practices are determined by the coaching staff, they should keep you informed. BCSL recommends that teams continue to practice throughout the season, as long as it does not interfere with schoolwork.

Is smoking allowed at games or practices?

Belle Clair Soccer Park promotes a healthy and active lifestyle for kids and as such,  does not allow smoking at the facility.

Is the drinking of adult beverages allowed at games or practices?

Belle Clair Soccer does have a liquor license and will sell during select events.  No outside coolers are permitted at our facility.

Who determines what field the games are played on?

The scheduling committee who determines the field size by age group per US Soccer regulations.

Who determines if and when make-up games are played?

If the game needs to be rescheduled due to weather or field conditions the scheduling committee will reassign the game time.  If one or both of the teams has a conflict then it is up to the team with the conflict to work out a new game time with the opposing team and present the request to the scheduling committee.  If the date and time are acceptable then the game will be rescheduled.

How are games cancelled due to inclement weather?

The President, or in their absence, other on-site board member, will cancel any games due to weather or field conditions.  An alert will be sent out via text messenger, posted on the website, and recorded on the league answering machine.

Who cancels games due to inclement weather?

The President or in their absence, other on-site board member, will cancel any games due to weather or field conditions. At the start of the season, inclement weather guidelines will be posted on the website. We regret that we are not able to answer calls directly regarding cancelled or delayed games. All cancelled or delayed games notifications will be posted on the website as soon as the determination has been made. Additionally, any player registered for the season will receive an email notification as well. 

How can I find out if a game is cancelled?

Check the website, league recording or sign up for text messaging alerts and check your email. We regret that we are not able to answer calls made to the league. All calls are answered by a service who may not have the most up to date information.

If a game is cancelled how do I know if it is rescheduled?

It is the responsibility of the coaches to notify their teams of rescheduled games.  If a member of the coaching staff provides the information to the web administrator the on-line schedule will be updated.

How many players are on a team?

Each league has a specific roster number set. The roster is determined by the format. The format for 1st grade is 4 v 4, which is 4 players from each team on the field. The format encourages the most number of touches on the ball during the game. The roster accommodates the number of players needed, plus subs needed. As players get older, the format increases as well as the roster.

Are Parents allowed on the field during games?

No.  There are occasions where volunteers or a child's parent may be needed on the field due to injury; the coach will direct this if necessary.

How does my child get to a game?

The player’s parent(s) are responsible to make arrangements for the player to attend games.

What do players need to bring to a game?

The player should be in uniform, a jersey, black shorts, socks, shin guards and cleats.  Water is advised, as is sunscreen.  Many kids also bring a ball for warm up’s. 

At what age/grade/division do teams start traveling to other towns?

3rd grade and older, may have 1 or 2 games scheduled at the Columbia Soccer Club fields, in Columbia, IL. The number of games is determined by the age/grade/division of BCSL and the number of available teams from Columbia Soccer Club.

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Game Answers:

What is the rule regarding lightening during a game?

Belle Clair rules state that you must wait 30 minutes after a lightning strike before the game can continue.

Coaching Answers:

How many Coaches/Assistant Coaches can a team have?

One head coach and up to 2 assistant coaches. However only 2 coaches may be on the player side during games.

Can my child be on the team I Coach?


Who can be a Coach?

Any adult volunteer who registers and has an acceptable background check performed with the State of Illinois, as well as submitting the completed concussion training certificate.

Are Coaches allowed on the field during games?

In the Kindergarten and 1st Grade divisions,  Coaches are allowed on the field of play. From 2nd grade on, coaches are not allowed on the field.

Who do I contact regarding a Coaches behavior?

Contact any BCSL Board member or email the Board via the website immediately following the incident.

Equipment / Uniforms Answers:

What equipment does my child need to play?

The team uniform is a BCSL provided jersey and socks. You must provide your own black shorts, shin guards and cleats, which are required. Cleats are not required for Pre-School, Pre-K and Kindergarten,  but are recommended. If cleats are worn, they must be soccer cleats and not baseball. Baseball cleats are defined by having a stud directly in the front of the shoe. Soccer cleats must have a smooth toe. No player will be permitted to play in baseball cleats.

What team color will my child get?

Team colors are determined by BCSL with input from sponsors, to the extent possible.

Do players need cleats? If so what kind?

Cleats are not required; however, they are recommended.  Only soccer cleats are permitted, which have a smooth toe.

Is there a difference between Baseball and Soccer cleats?

Yes, a baseball cleat is different from a soccer cleat.  The baseball cleat has a front "toe" cleat where a soccer cleat has a smooth toe. Players will not be allowed to play in baseball cleats.

Can I purchase extra jerseys?

Not at this time.

Parents Answers:

Can I purchase adult size team jersey?

Not at this time. However, BCSL will provide a COACH jersey to new coaches. COACH jerseys do not match the team colors. they are all black and are appropriate for any BCSL team(s) you may coach.

Are Parents allowed on the field during games?

No.  There are occasions where volunteers or a child's parent may be needed on the field if an injury occurs; the coach will direct this if necessary.

Referee Answers:

At what age can you start as an Referee?

Referees must be 13 years old by January 1st of the year they participate.  

How many Referees are at each game?

Second and third grade divisions will have one Referee. Fourth through 6th grade will have two referees.  Seventh and 8th grades will have one Referee and two Assistant Referees.

Are the Referees trained?

Yes, they must complete the USSF Grade 8 level course to work at Belle Clair

Can a Referee eject a Coach or Parent?


Are Referees paid or volunteers?

Referees are paid.

Contact Us

Belle Clair Soccer League

5343 Belleville Crossing Street MB#57 
Belleville, Illinois 62226

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 618-974-8809
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